This is an invocation. An invocation to live forcefully, to dare to wear.

This is the permission (that you don’t even need) to dazzle, to delight yourself before anyone else, to resurrect the unselfconscious revelry of childhood that somehow became shy with the passing of years.

This is the gleeful impulse to leave convention at the very back of your wardrobe, ready to give in to your own idiosyncratic magnetism, to be seduced by whatever tempts you; whatever glimmers and glitters.

This is the invitation to that “one day” special event that was never going to happen anyway, but has always been yesterday, today and tomorrow. This is the reminder that you are not sitting in the audience and you never were. You have the lead role, so let’s bring the fucking house down.

Kellertür means “cellar door” in German, which is said to be the most beautiful phrase in the English language, phonetically. The visual of a cellar door resembles the all-encompassing values that Kellertür represents - pleasure, craft, quality and saying yes (as well as being full of shiny things and tools!).


Brass and copper are recycled materials at the manufacturing stage and therefore are considered sustainable even when bought new. Copper alloys (brass is a copper alloy) can be recycled over and over again without compromising the quality of the material. 

Copper naturally creates a protective film (oxidisation) which means it resists corrosion, meaning your copper products will last a long long time! You can repurpose these metals, recycle them or if they end up in the earth will not pose a risk to the environment like plastic!

Kellertür uses recycled, recyclable or biodegradable packaging with the goal of being as sustainable and ethical as possible.